Saturday, August 20, 2011

Trip to Brisbane

Awesome time, I miss the warm weather already! I miss dad too.

 We drove to Katoomba and had dinner at Common Ground. Then we drove back down to Ben and Jas's and slept there. Next morning we went to the train station and caught the train to the airport. 3 hours on the train!

Here we are on the plane...first plane trip for the kids  :)

 it's only an hour flight to Brisbane. The kids were able to watch the speed and height on the nav.station on the TV's.

William and Benny renewed their friendship straight away :)
 Benny loved having the kids around.

Making breakfast on a beautiful Queensland morning :)

 The boys found this in the carpark of the Aquarium and insisted I take a photo.

At Underwater World. There were a number of hands on activities. 
 The seal show.
 Icecreams with Poppy.

Jono found a durian at the beach where we had lunch
 making sandwiches :)

Otters lazing around

The Aquarium. 

Highlights from Australia Zoo. 
Feeding the Elephants...
 in a crocodiles jaws!
 the real this was impressive.

 petting and feeding kangaroos

 more icecream (Poppy's spoiling)

 train tour around the zoo
 cheeky boys
 my personal favourites, the tigers

Some highlights from days at the beach...

 soooo nice to be in the ocean in August :)

saying goodbye to Nanna and Noel on the way to the airport