Tuesday, August 2, 2011


The 'Thunderbirds are Go!' DVD arrived yesterday much to the joy of everyone in the house under the age of 14.

William composed and performed a beautiful song called 'Yehovah'. It goes like this...

Yehovah, Yehovah, blessed is the King, righteousness, righteousness, son of my right hand, brother. Shabbat, shabbat, shabbat, shabbat. David is the king of Israel!

He's very clever and adorable. He has a toy snake with him everywhere he goes right now. Today I watched him feed it a ladybug. Then we had a discussion about what snakes eat and which ones are the most dangerous. We talked about the hay barns in summer with all the mice and how we can't go in there because of the snakes. I love chatting with him while I hang the washing out :)

All 3 did some pages in their maths books and played Poptropica. Jonah got 147 runs today. He said tomorrow they will have a new rule that means you start from zero when you bat again after getting out. Not sure how William will feel about that but we'll find out tomorrow! Jonah finished his Pathway reader and is on to the second 3rd grade book now. William still reads 3 or 4 pages to me each night. Last night he read 'box' and said 'I've never seen that word yet, that's a new word!' So great to hear genuine excitement about a new word :)

I have been making sure that the new nesting boxes have fresh hay every morning and today we got 7 eggs. I think our hens like fresh hay :)

Bridget is watching more Little House DVD's from the Library and is reading Prisoners at Sea in the Lamplighter series.