Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Jonah asked how fast a bullet goes and I found this excellent video that helped him learn how to work it out :)

How fast does a bullet travel in miles per hour? from Jeff Lehman on Vimeo.

this was a vid for Women in Greek Society.

Jonah was measuring distances on google earth again. He entered in a speed he knew a certain car could go and then showed me from where to where in England it would go in an hour. William measured the Red Sea and then the circumference of the earth in feet :) Later on he asked me how many feet the universe is. When I said that nobody knows he then asked how many kms it was then.

Bridget spent time looking longingly at the hay where the kitten have been born. They will come out in about 4 weeks I'm guessing. Dev ate too much grain and had stomach issues this afternoon. Bridget looked up signs, symptoms and treatments. After she got up and started moving around we decided to just let her be and see how she is in the morning. I'm sure she'll come good.