Thursday, March 1, 2012

February learning adventures

 February was quite a full month! Firstly, here are some random videos we watched from the collection at The kid should see this


Bridget watched this chemistry vid from Khan academy

We started Hebrew/Jewish studies at Cheder, but due to the hassle and amount of travel involved, have decided to do the curriculum via distance ed. at home. But Hebrew is being done everyday now!

We had another scary visit from 'Billy the Kid'

We learned a little more about Picasso. This is Bill's interpretation of The 3 Musicians.

 and this is mine :)

While Bridget and I were at BatMitzvah class Jono took the boys the National Gallery. They both spotted a Picasso without any prompting!

Bridget found this spider on a bean bag. Yuck.  At least they got to look it up here

 February has been STARWARS month! We watched the oldies - A New Hope, The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. The kids explored this website to learn more about the series

We also watched Exodus again, which is a favourite around here :)

We saw a video on how chicken wire is made, but I can't seem to find that link right now....

The boys got interested in Ninjas again (probably due to karate and starwars!) Jonah poured over these two pages

Jonah is reading the most beautiful book and learning a lot about the history of weapons in general

Bill had a 7th birthday!

and among other things got Battleship and a gardening game where you have to plant in companionship to avert the pests eating your crops!

Snowy had ANOTHER five kittens. Joy. She will be getting the operation after these ones have gone!

Bridget's reads for the month - (sensing a theme anyone?!?!)
Star wars : the prequel trilogy
Force heretic III [book] : Reunion
Destiny's way [book]
Star wars: the empire strikes back [book]
Attack of the clones [book]
The approaching storm [book]
Solo command [book]
Wraith squadron [book]
Star wars: heir to the empire [book]
Crystal star [book]
Mark of the crown [book]
The Star Wars trilogy [book]
Star wars: dark force rising [book]
Specter of the past [book]
The death of hope [book]
Secret weapon 

Jonah's reads - (many of these he reads to Bill also)

Five on Kirrin Island again
Swords : an artist's devotion
The Theft of the Samurai sword : Japan
Five have a wonderful time [book]
Five get into a fix [book]
Poems to make your friends laugh [book]

Karate is going very well for all 4 of us (yes, me too!) Bridget is learning strength and lengthening her calf tendoins.

We watched a heap of Mythbusters! Bridget scrapbooked for January.

and is enjoying her new English text, Move into English 2 

We have been researching our family trees. Jono's family name is Wertheimer and much to the boys delight we found our coat of arms
 Medieval Knights have made an appearance during February and there has been much shield and armor making

I picked up a couple of beautiful Australian landscapes oil paintings from the op-shop for 30c each (the poor artist!!!), and the kids enjoyed copying parts of them

well, Jonah was a little distracted. He's blessed with a one-track mind :) But Bridget really captured the whole concept of light I think! 

and finally, he's a sample of Jonah's cursive which he is very proud of :)