Saturday, December 31, 2011

Bill's creations

 block building

 this is a mezuzah he made for the door in their room. He even traced over the Shema in Hebrew to go inside it. I love the shells :)
He also made a pencil holder, did some painting and a nature collage (that I am yet to take photos of!)

Making caramels

Dart's away!


Sunday, December 25, 2011

my new homemaking blog

I have started a new blog dedicated to all things homey. Over there I will be talking about homemaking, health and diet as well as a variety of topics to help us all learn to do without all many modern 'conveniences' that have become such an intergral part of western life. We can get back to how it used to be, and I believe we would all be better for it. So here is A Slower Pace! Til Cows come Home will remain dedicated to natural learning and homeschooling topics.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

random happenings

The duckies are getting really big! They live in with the chickens now, and everyone is sort of getting along.

Still separate them out at night, though. We have four more new young hens...two more Isa's and two Belgium Bantams that we hope will go broody and hatch some eggs for us! Here are some of our older girls and the rooster.

This is the loganberry tree in the chook coop. We've had lots of delicious, juicy berries so far. 

here are some apples growing and some peaches that are almost ready to pick. Jono is watching them like a hawk determined to get them before the birds do!

 and here's my handsome hubby :)
and finally me. Hanging out washing. This whole outfit cost me about $6 from the op-shop. I've lost a bit of weight so treating myself to a $4 pair of size 10 R.M Williams jeans made me happy today! (it's the little things)!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

something yummy

banana kefir icepops. just banana and kefir :)

loganberries from the tree in the chicken coop. just a few, plenty more to come :)

basic biscuits with choc drops. This is naughty, but in my defence I am using up all the wheat and refined sugar products in the pantry... and then we are all going wheat and sugar free :)

Lego Quest : self portrait

 This is a portrait of me running my goats over to their paddock after mum has milked them in the morning. 

This is me as a lego robot.

Monday, December 5, 2011

some doings

Bridget did a lesson in her Life of Fred maths and a couple of pages in her handwriting book (she really loves handwriting). She watched Little House, played poptropica and read a few Tin tin books. She still has Lord of the Flies to read, and she borrowed a couple more books from the library today.

Jonah did a couple of pages in his maths book and finished book 5 in the secret seven series. He is eager to get the Famous Five series too. He played on google earth and looked up what spies do and look like. He spent a lot of time playing war games outside.

Bill and I worked on some phonics, maths and handwriting. He wants to be reading well before the end of summer (his choice). He listen to Tremendous Tractors on CD and read along. He played uno and war games outside with Jonah. He also spent time perfecting the absailing rope that Jono put up for them on the water tank.

weekend away

We stayed with Pieter and Michelle at their new place. Beautiful property, wonderful company. 

my precious friend, Michelle :)

we all went to Synogogue on shabbat and the kids went to Cheder on sunday morning. They really enjoyed themselves, and we were blessed to have come on a weekend when the Netzer outreach was on so there was plenty for them to learn and do. Bill especially loved the craft table. Jonah made a necklace and bracelet for me (in the photo above). If all goes to plan Bridget will be doing her Bat Mitzvah at the centre next year.