The duckies are getting really big! They live in with the chickens now, and everyone is sort of getting along.
Still separate them out at night, though. We have four more new young hens...two more Isa's and two Belgium Bantams that we hope will go broody and hatch some eggs for us! Here are some of our older girls and the rooster.
This is the loganberry tree in the chook coop. We've had lots of delicious, juicy berries so far.
here are some apples growing and some peaches that are almost ready to pick. Jono is watching them like a hawk determined to get them before the birds do!
and here's my handsome hubby :)
and finally me. Hanging out washing. This whole outfit cost me about $6 from the op-shop. I've lost a bit of weight so treating myself to a $4 pair of size 10 R.M Williams jeans made me happy today! (it's the little things)!